My vision is to empower and support international students to reach their fullest potential.



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Frequently asked questions

If you need further assistance, please contact me via phone or email or fill in the contact form. I will reach out to you as soon as possible!

What kind of support do you offer for integrating with Dutch culture?

If you’re struggling to integrate into Dutch culture, I offer support to help you feel more at home. I provide guidance on Dutch customs and social norms, offer language support, and connect you with resources to help you better understand and appreciate Dutch culture. Whether you’re looking to make friends, understand the Dutch educational system, or simply navigate life in a new country, my coaching can help you feel more comfortable and confident.

How can your coaching help me as an international student?

As an international student, you may face unique challenges when it comes to studying in a foreign country. My coaching can help you navigate these challenges by providing individualized support tailored to your specific needs. I offer guidance on cultural differences, language barriers, and academic expectations. I work with you to build your confidence, improve your communication skills, and help you achieve your academic goals.

Do you offer any in-person meetups or coaching sessions?

Yes, I offer both in-person and virtual coaching sessions, as well as in-person meetups for those who are local. These meetups provide an opportunity to connect with other international students, learn from each other’s experiences, and build a sense of community. In-person coaching sessions can also be arranged for those who prefer a face-to-face approach.